Next Week, Sheet Pile Construction in Muara Angke Completed

Friday, December 6th 2024 Reporter: Budhi Firmansyah Surapati Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 1734

Pekerjaan Penuntasan Genangan di Muara Angke Dikebut

(Foto: Budhi Firmansyah Surapati)

The North Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency is building the sheet piles for the Muara Angke Reservoir inlet channel on the Traditional Fishery Products Processing Road (PHPT) RW 01, Pluit Urban Village, Penjaringan. The work is targeted for completion next week.

Ten personnel are deployed to the location every day

Penjaringan Sub-district SDA Executing Unit Head, Pendi explained the sheet pile was being built to handle flooding in Muara Angke area and could also smoothen the water flow.

"This is continued work after we built the sodetan (crossing channel). The existing one has not been plastered over and is prone to collapse," he expressed, Friday (12/6).

Previously, his personnel had built three units of sodetan from channels on Jalan PHPT, RW 01, Pluit Urban Village. Two channels lead to the Muara Angke Reservoir.

His party also normalized the channel in the Muara Angke settlement along 700 meters. The repairs made will be in vain if the water in the channel is blocked from entering the reservoir.

"Ten personnel are deployed to the location every day," he concluded.

He explained its construction at each point was five meters long using river stone material. This channel has one meter wide with 1.2 meters high.

"The progress has touched 80 percent. Hopefully, it can be completed on Tuesday or Wednesday," he hoped.

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